
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Welcome to my world...

Hello friends! Welcome to my little corner of the internet where I hope to share my love for nail polish and nail art. I've been posting my manis on my Instagram for a few months and I absolutely love it. (I won’t go into the saga of my nail account that got deleted, because I’m back and better than ever baby!) The "nail community" is so supportive and fun; it’s really nice having people to discuss finish and application and wear with who don't look at you like you're crazy. I’ve made some really great friends through there, including a couple of bloggers who have been very encouraging and helpful in me getting this thing going. Thank you Alaina and Kelly!!!

So now I have decided to start a little blog to share this love. Some call it an obsession, but whatever. This is my hobby and I love it. Since this is my first post I'll tell you a little about myself. My name is Casey; I live in SW Missouri with my husband Mike, our dog Sammie, and our cat Pickles. Mike and I have been married for 11 1/2 years, and I love him more and more every day. He is supportive of this polish addiction, although he doesn't really understand it. He is sweet though so he will play along and ooh and aah when he should. His signature response to nail art is "that's fancy" or "pretty fancy", which kinda melts my heart to hear him say. (don't tell him I told you that though)

I have always loved nail polish. But about a year and a half ago I started researching nail polish online, I don't remember why; I think I just wanted to learn how to paint my nails well. I found tips and tricks all over Pinterest and YouTube; then I learned that there were polish bloggers. From there I was a goner. I kept my intense love of polish somewhat hidden from most people for a while, but now it's time to just come out in the open with it.  

Part of what I love about polish is the collecting part, well it’s really close to hoarding… let’s just be honest. I love hunting it down and finding just what I want. Buying multiple bottles at once is one of my favorite things! I never spontaneously buy polish, it’s always preplanned. If I do happen to see something that piques my interest, I quickly hop on my phone and go to my “go to” swatchers to see what the reviews are and if it’s worth buying. I feel hurt when a polish lets me down, especially when it’s a brand that I love. My favorite brand is OPI, the finish and wear are fantastic, the colors are on point, and they are pretty reasonably priced for the quality. I’ve got a budding love for Zoya thanks to the PixieDusts and wonderful creams they’ve been putting out lately.

So, enough rambling. Let’s get on with this thing. I hope that you enjoy my posts, or actually I hope that I enjoy my posts. Because really I’m writing it for me. 

Enjoy and happy polishing! 


  1. yayy!!! so happy youve finally jumped into the blogging world <3

    1. Thank you Alaina! Hopefully you don't regret encouraging me so much b/c I might end up bombarding you with questions!!! ;)
