
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Believe In Believing

Good morning everyone! Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. 

Today I have another Pipe Dream Polish for you. This is Believe In Believing from the Like The Weather Collection. (All of the polishes in this collection are named after lyrics in songs about the weather.) Believe In Believing is taken from Paula Abdul's Blowing Kisses In the Wind. 

Believe In Believing is a gorgeous blood orange base packed with glitter. I mean PACKED. It's so packed that you can hardly look directly at it for all the sparkle. (Any polish lover worth their salt will know that this is a good thing!) According to April's Etsy listing it is full of fuchsia and raspberry glitter with pink and fuchsia micro flakies. (Fuchsia... there's that word again. I don't like that word! The spelling!!!! Ugh!)

This polish feels very holiday-ish to me. It's the color of glittering cranberries.... how perfect would it be for Thanksgiving and Christmas? I love it. 

Direct sunlight.

Natural light, shade. 

Natural light, shade.

Light box.

Light box.

Light box.

See what I mean about all the glitter??? It's fantastic. This is 3 coats of Believe In Believing topped with one coat of Glossy Glam. You can see in the macros how nicely GG smooths these glitter polishes out. 

So what do you think about this polish? I love it, as I love all of April's polishes. (I think we've been over that a time or two.) This one was a bit thicker than some of the others, but that is to be expected with a polish this packed with glitter. It was thicker but it was easy to work with, I just had to be careful to use thin coats. It leveled out nicely and I had no issues. It was a complete pain to remove, but again, that's a glitter polish thing. I would be really worried that April had sold her soul to the devil if she'd made polishes this packed with glitter that glided off the nail as easy as a cream. ;) 

Pipe Dream Polish can be purchased through their Etsy store here. She just put up some Halloween lovelies that I'm getting sometime soon, I can't wait to see them and share them with you!

Glossy Glam can be purchased through their Etsy store here. Ricarda also has some great polishes in her shop along with this awesome topcoat. 

I hope you all had a great week! I'm going to try to get back on my posting schedule. 

From 9/27 to 10/5 I am going to be MIA, but I have some amazing guest posters lined up so keep an eye out for that!

Talk to you soon!


**All polishes in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review.**

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