
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Guest Post from The Little Canvas

Good morning everyone! Today's guest post is from Alaina over at The Little Canvas. Alaina was one of my first blogger friends, and she's really helped me a lot through this whole process. She's always been really patient with my questions and I just can't thank her enough! Plus, she does some great nails! 

So, lets check them out. 


Hello there!  Alaina here from The Little Canvas!  I am so happy that I am taking over Miss Casey Lane's blog today!  I met Casey on Twitter earlier this year, and was quite impressed with how neat and perfect her nails always looked.  Due to this, I named Casey my first ever Nail Artist of the Month back in May.  If you haven't seen that post, you must click here and see it!  After she did the guest post, I started pestering her that she needed to start a blog.  Literally, I think I tweeted or sent her a text daily with a "where's your blog" or "you need to start blogging."  Thankfully, she finally listened and now is sharing her work here on Blogger.  Great decision, right??

After being asked to do a guest post here on Casey's blog, I started to think what I could possibly do.  I'm always inspired by Casey's kitchen sink manicures, especially the one she did for my blog and Tuxarina.  I decided to build off of that inspiration and create a kitchen sink manicure for this post.  The problem: I had no idea what colors to use.  This is the only reason I dislike having so many bottles of nail polish, picking out colors can take a looong time.  Casey came to my rescue though and picked out teal and pink!

Once I had my teal, pink, white, and black polishes picked out, I got to work.  Let's take a look.

Colors Used:
INM - Bikini
OPI - Can't Find My Czechbook
Hard Candy - Black Tie Optional
Orly - Liquid Vinyl
OPI - My Boyfriend Scales Walls
Kind of funky, right?  I started off with a base OPI My Boyfriend Scales walls on my ring and thumb.  No matter how this kitchen sink manicure was going to go, I knew I wanted those nails to both be white based.  I then added a black nail on my middle finger because it just looks sharp that way in my opinion.  That left my two main colors which I just slapped on the pointer and pinkie.

Then, I glared at my nails.  I had no idea what designs I was going to do where.  My mind started going crazy.  Was I going to use tape?  What nails were going to be dotted?  Could I put art on the colored nails?!  Goodness gracious, what did I get myself involved with with this manicure?!  Since I had the black and white nail, I remembered the awesome black and white matte glitter that is Black Tie Optional by Hard Candy.  I figured that this would be the best tie in with the plain colored nails.  Added the glitter, and sat back happily.

Then I got out my tape and started taping up my ring finger.  I figured you can never go wrong with a unique checkerboard.  I'm rather pleased with that nail.  No kitchen sink manicure though is complete unless there is some form of polka dots.  I first did the black nail with pink, teal, and white, and loved how it looked.  I thought it would look really neat to do the same thing on the white nail with black dots instead...kind of like a reverse nail (if that makes any sense).  To be honest, these polka dot nails were my favorite of the whole manicure.  I really feel that they both tied the manicure together.

What do you think?  Fan of the kitchen sink?  Liking the colors?

I hope that you, as well as Casey, enjoyed this manicure!  If you want to see more of my random nail art, head on over to my blog and check them out!!!  Hope to see you all soon! 



Alaina I love this!!!! Kitchen sink manis are one of my favorites, so one in my favorite colors is PERFECT! 

Thank you so much for this post! It's great!


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