
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Jack-O-Lantern Nails!

Hi everyone! Today I have a "twinsie" post that I did with Alaina from The Little Canvas. Last weekend she emailed me and asked if I wanted to do some jack-o-lantern nails for Halloween and I said sure! I don't really get excited about Halloween, or any holiday really. But I do love nail art, so I was in.

Here is our side by side pic!

And here some solo shots of my mani.

For this manicure I started with a base of Wet-n-Wild The Clock Strikes Orange. Then I added stripes with OPI A Good Man-Darin Is Hard To Find. Once that was dry I used black acrylic paint to paint on the faces. For the stems I mixed together Zoya Hunter and Wet-n-Wild Test of Lime. After everything was all dry I topped it with Glossy Glam topcoat to seal it in. 

The faces weren't easy to do, but overall I'm pretty pleased with how these turned out. The day before I painted them I broke my thumb nail, so it might be MIA for a few posts. :) 

What do you all think? Do you like doing holiday themed nail art?

Be sure to check out Alaina's version of these over on her blog and Instagram!

Happy Saturday everyone!

**All polishes that I used in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use.**

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