
Friday, November 29, 2013

Pipe Dream Polish Interference

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! We stayed home and laid low all day, just the way we like it. Although I did do a little swatching for you, of course. :)

Today I have another Pipe Dream Polish. 

This beauty is Interference, part of the Lorde Gatsby collection. 

Interference is made up of a rainbow of iridescent glitter in a darkened plum jelly base.

For this mani I used 3 thin coats of Interference and topped it with 2 coats of Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. 

The formula for this one is a little bit tricky. It's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a bit thick. I think that is because it is packed with so much glitter. Adding a few drops of thinner will straighten it right out. 

The application on this was a dream, even though it was a bit thick. The glitter is so evenly and densely packed in here, it distritbutes itself. And you can see down through all the layers, you know how I love that. 

The color was hard to capture, but I would call it a deep, vampy, plum. It some lights it's nearly black, but the jelly consistency shows the true plum/purple undertones. It's so pretty. 

This polish, along with all of April's other polishes, are available in her store here. She's having some Black Friday sales for a couple more hours, go check it out! Be sure to follow her on Instagram for updates on her restocks and sales!

I have another special Pipe Dream coming up for you very soon. Stay tuned!


**Polishes in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. Please see my full disclosure policy for more details.**

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Pipe Dream Polish Green Light

Good morning everyone! I'm sorry I've been slacking on the posts lately, someday I will get back in a regular schedule of posting. The next month will be a little hectic with the holidays and I am having minor surgery in a couple of weeks. Nothing major, but it will put me out of commission for a few days at least. Can you believe they don't want me to have polish on when I have the surgery?!? Ugh, the nerve. ;) 

Ok so on to the best part of everything... always... polish. Whats better than polish? Pipe Dream Polish. It's no secret that I love April and her polishes, and no she doesn't pay me to say that. I really do love these polishes. And today's is no exception. Plus I've made a very sweet friend in the process, win win for me. 

This my friends is Green Light from her new Lorde Gatsby collection.

Bottle Macro

Green Light is made up of holographic teal and silver glitter in a dark teal green jelly base. That's the official description... but really it's just OMG GREEN HOLO-Y GLITTER BOMB in a bottle. 

This mani is 3 thin coats of Green Lights topped with 1 coat of Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. 

I just don't even know what to say about this polish, the pictures really say it all. Look at the macro, look at all of the layers. See the glitter all through every single layer? THAT is what I love about Pipe Dream. She's got that down like nobody else does. I love the depth so much, it's like you could swim in it. 

If you don't follow me on Instagram head over there to check out this video I posted of this polish as soon as I put it on. So much sparkle. I am still wearing this one and I really hope the sun comes out today so I can fully enjoy it. Although I think this is one of many Pipe Dream Polishes that should come with a warning, "Do not operate heavy machinery while the sun is shining, sparkle will cause distraction when in direct sunlight." :) 

What do you all think of this polish? Do you love it? If you do you should head over to the Pipe Dream shop on Etsy and check out all of her beauties. There is a red version of this one that I'm itching to get my hands on. Word on the street is that she is going to be doing some sales this weekend for Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but you might not want to wait that long just in case she sells out. Seriously, you have to have this polish in your collection if you are a fan of holo sparkle and green. 

Glisten & Glow HK Girl Fast Drying Topcoat can be purchased here. I have to say that I am really impressed with this one so far. The shine is ridiculous, the dry time is super speedy fast, (and has therefore saved a few manis from my clutziness) and I haven't had any issues with shrinkage or bubbling. Perfect! I think a big refill bottle might have to go on my Christmas list! We are all always trying to find that Holy Grail topcoat. With this I have a couple, never hurts to have more than one... Just in case.

I hope you all have a great Tuesday! 

Talk to you soon. 


**The polishes in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use. I did receive a discounted price on the Pipe Dream Polish in exchange for an honest review. Please see my disclosure policy for more details.**

Friday, November 22, 2013

Sincerely Polish Snow Day Trio!

**press sample**

Happy Friday night everyone! I hope you all had a good week. I'm ready for the weekend for sure. 

I'm really excited about the trio of polishes I have for you tonight. This is the Snow Day Trio from Sincerely Polish. Before I get started I want to let you know that for today only there is free shipping in Karen's store on her complete collections, including this one. 

Personally I used to think I wasn't a fan of shaped glitter or bar glitter. But these polishes have completely converted me. Especially for snowflakes. I'm still not sure about skulls or other shapes, but snowflakes I am a definitely fan of. At least the way Karen does them I'm a fan of. 

We will start with my favorite, Icy Blue. 

For this manicure I started with 2 coats of OPI This Gown Needs a Crown on my ring and pinkie finger and 1 coat of OPI Eurso Euro on my pointer and middle fingers. I then added 2 coats of Icy Blue and topped it all with Glossy Glam.

Icy Blue is is a glitter topper filled with blue micro hexes, winter white micro bars, winter white hex glitters in various sizes, matte white hexes, and white snowflake glitters.

The formula on this one is great. I did have to do some fishing for snowflakes, but I think that was just because I didn't give it a good enough shake before I applied it. I feel like some of the hexes are kind of translucent, which I LOVE. I really just love this one all around. It's like all the best things about winter in glitter form. 


Next up is Pink Frost.

For this mani I started with 2 coats of OPI This Gown Needs a Crown on my ring finger and 1 coat of OPI Miss You-Niverse on my other fingers. Then I topped it with 2 coats of Pink Frost and 1 coat of Glossy Glam.

Pink Frost is a glitter topper filled with micro silver glitters, winter white micro bars, winter white hex glitters in various sizes and pink snowflake glitter.

The formula on this polish was the same as Icy Blue, very easy to work with. All of the glitter distributed evenly and a decent amount went on with each coat. I had to fish for snowflakes in this one too, but like before I think it was mostly due to user error. 

This polish is so girly and dainty. I love that the snowflakes are pink without being in your face pink. Soft subtle colors like this are perfect for winter. 


Last up is Glistening Snow.

For this mani I started with 2 coats of OPI This Gown Needs a Crown on my index finger and 1 coat of OPI Black Onyx on my other fingers. Then I added 2 coats of Glistening Snow and topped it off with 1 coat of Glossy Glam. 

Glistening Snow is a glitter topper filled matte white hexes, winter white hex glitters in various sizes, winter white micro bars, and holographic snowflakes.

Some of the hexes in this polish have that translucent quality too. I absolutely love it, over black it has a very monochromatic effect. And the holographic snow flakes add just the right amount of sparkle. 


I think the hardest part of having this entire trio will be choosing which one to wear! The formula and application was great and they add just the right touch of winter wonderland to your nails. 

Head over to the Sincerely Polish store here to check out these and other great polishes. And remember, for today only her full collections have free shipping! 

Follow Sincerely polish on Instagram for updates and more pictures. 

Glossy Glam topcoat can be purchased through their Etsy store here

Let me know what you think! I hope you love these as much as I do!

Follow me on Instagram for more pictures and weird little tidbits of my life, if you're interested in that. :)

Have a great weekend everyone!


**The polishes in this post were provided to me in exchange for a fair an honest review. For more details please see my full disclosure policy.**

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Sincerely Polish Madamoiselle Polishes

**press sample**

Good evening everyone! I hope you're all having a good week! 

Tonight I have 3 more polishes from Sincerely Polish to show you. When Karen first asked me if I'd like to do some swatching for her I hoped she would send me some of these. I love "crelly" polishes, ones that are a combo of cream and jelly... you can see through the layers but they build to opacity. Personally I don't like being able to see my nail below my polish. I don't mind it on other people, but on my fingers I like the polish to completely cover everything. And these do just that. 

The Madamoiselle Collection was created by Karen inspired by her boyfriends cousins. These young ladies must be pretty sweet because so far all of the polishes I've seen from this collection are about as sweet as polish can be. All of their names start with M, and her boyfriends name is Mark. Sounds confusing to me, but it is pretty adorable. 

First up is Mariel. 

Mariel is a white crelly polish with baby blue and mint circle glitters, mint square glitters, and baby pink hex glitters.

For this mani I used 3 coats of Mariel with some placement of the large circle glitters. (More because of my pickiness than out of necessity. I wanted at least one of each on each nail on multiple layers.) I sealed it in with 1 coat of Glossy Glam.

I found the formula on this one to be a bit thick, but not unmanageable. White polishes are notoriously difficult to get full coverage with, and at first I thought this one would be like that. But I was pleasantly surprised. After I got all of my coats on it was a bit uneven, but topcoat smoothed it right out. It was almost like the polish was waiting for the topcoat to level. 

This polish is so squishy, I love squishy polish. (we aren't going to count how many times I repeat that fact... :)) It reminds me of some sort of magical funfetti cake batter, it looks almost good enough to eat! 


Next up is Maria Veronica.

For the life of me I couldn't get this polish to photo true to life. I tried it in front of pink and in front of black. The pink helped some, but it still doesn't show what a lovely soft shade of pink this is. 

Maria Veronica is a pale pink crelly with light pink hearts, lavender and pink circle glitters and small purple glitters. 

For this mani I did 3 coats of Maria Veronica with some placement for the hearts, then sealed it in with 1 coat of Glossy Glam.

This is probably the girliest polish I've ever seen in my life, I absolutely love it. It would be a perfect gift for a mom to be that is expecting a little baby girl, that is the first thing that pops into my head. I plan to get this one out on days when I'm feeling especially blue and "unpretty". We all have those days, I think this one along with a fresh face of makeup would cheer me right up and make me feel all girly again. 

This one was a bit thick like Mariel, but just as before it's not unmanageable. Actually I think if it were thinner it would pool and go where you didn't want it to. With it being a little on the thick side it sticks right where you put it. 


And last but certainly not least, Mia.

Mia is a light lavender crelly polish with pink and purple glitters of different sizes and hues, small white hex glitters and micro silver glitters.

When I opened Mia I actually squealed; literally squealed out loud. I then quickly messaged Karen and asked if she looked through my Instagram before she picked these out because this one SCREAMS Casey. I love a good purple polish, and if you add layers of crelly glitter in there I'm a goner. 

For this mani I did 3 coats of Mia and topped it with 1 coat of Glisten & Glow's HK Girl Fast Drying Topcoat. I didn't have to do any placement with this one, the glitter distributed all on its own. I'm still wearing this mani and plan to wear it until tomorrow night. It's vet and bath night for poor Sammie the beagle, that always does a number on my nubs. Plus I have some more Sincerely Polish Polishes coming my way tomorrow that I'm sure I'll want to try right away. 


Overall I really love these polishes. The consistency was a bit tricky to work with at times, but they ended up leveling out nicely. I think next time I use them I might start with a teeny bit of thinner and see if that helps. 

Sincerely Polish can be purchased on their website here. Be sure to follow Karen on Instagram for more pictures and updates. 

Just Ricarda's Glossy Glam can be purchased through their Etsy store here

Glisten & Glow HK Girl Fast Drying Topcoat can be purchased through their website here

Be sure to follow me on Instagram for more pictures of polish and a few pictures of my silly pets and the love of my life. 

I hope you all liked these polishes as much as I do! I will be bringing you more Sincerely Polishes in the near future and I can't wait to share them with you!

I hope you all have a nice evening! 


**The Sincerely Polish polishes in this post were sent to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. For more details please see my disclosure policy.**

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sincerely Polish Thanksgiving

**press sample**

Good morning everyone! Today I'm excited to bring a new to me indie polish brand to you. Actually Sincerely Polish is a new indie brand altogether, her shop just opened last Sunday, 11/10/13. 

Last week Karen contacted me and asked if she could send me a few polishes to swatch for her. As soon as I saw her polishes I knew I wanted to try them out. I received my package from her on Monday and couldn't wait to try them out. 

So, in the spirit of the season I started with the 2 polishes she sent me from her Thanksgiving collection. First of all I'd just like to say way to go Karen on not forgetting Thanksgiving! I feel like it's getting lost in the hustle and bustle of the Christmas shopping mania, and frankly it is getting really annoying. 

But, I digress... on to the polish. 

First up is The Good Stuffing.

For this mani I started with 2 coats of OPI My Vampire Is Buff and topped it with 3 coats of The Good Stuffing. Then I sealed it all in with 1 coat of Glossy Glam.

The Good Stuffing is a clear based glitter bomb made up of various colors and shapes of polish in all of your Thanksgiving colors. At first I thought it looked really Christmasy, in the bottle. But then I got it on my nail and realized that this baby SCREAMS Thanksgiving. You know those adorable turkey nails that are always going around this time of year? I'm thinking this would be a perfect pairing for those. 

The formula on this polish is really good. I did have to dab in a few spots, but with a polish this loaded with glitter that is normal. It is very squishy, and you know how I love squishy. There is so much depth to it I swear it looks like I caught shadows of the glitter in some of my macros, don't you think? It's also really sparkly. I'm hoping to get a video of in the sun tomorrow to post to my Instagram to show this off. 

Next up is Cranberrylicious.

This is 4 thin coats of Cranberrylicious with some placement of the large circles and 1 coat of Glossy Glam. 

Cranberrylicious is a deep burgandy jelly base with red square glitters and red holographic circle glitters.

Ok confession time. (I seem to be doing this a lot lately) I'm not a huge fan of "jelly" polishes. You know, the ones that never really get fully opaque. I really can't stand seeing my nail line (the white part at the tip) so they just aren't usually my thing. But this one, oh my goodness. The squishiness! It's unbelievably gorgeous. Check out those macros... I couldn't stop staring at this one. I'm not even really all that sure how to describe it. I did have to fish some for those circles, but trust me that's a good thing with circles this size. You don't want them taking over your whole nail! Sometimes placement is a good thing, and this is one of those times. They never really lay quite right on my little nubs, but these are really pretty. It reminded me of those old fashioned glass paperweights that had designs floating in them. (I bet no one knows what I'm talking about there...) 

Both of these polishes are for sale in Karen's shop here. In fact, if you get her entire Thanksgiving collection (these 2 plus 2 more) it is on sale right now at a lower price than buying the bottles individually. You should also be following her on Instagram for updates and lots of pretty pictures. 

I loved both of these and can't wait to bring you the other 3 polishes that Karen sent!

I hope you all have a great day!


**The polishes in this post were provided to me for an honest review. For more information please see my disclosure policy.**