
Friday, November 29, 2013

Pipe Dream Polish Interference

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! We stayed home and laid low all day, just the way we like it. Although I did do a little swatching for you, of course. :)

Today I have another Pipe Dream Polish. 

This beauty is Interference, part of the Lorde Gatsby collection. 

Interference is made up of a rainbow of iridescent glitter in a darkened plum jelly base.

For this mani I used 3 thin coats of Interference and topped it with 2 coats of Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. 

The formula for this one is a little bit tricky. It's not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but it is a bit thick. I think that is because it is packed with so much glitter. Adding a few drops of thinner will straighten it right out. 

The application on this was a dream, even though it was a bit thick. The glitter is so evenly and densely packed in here, it distritbutes itself. And you can see down through all the layers, you know how I love that. 

The color was hard to capture, but I would call it a deep, vampy, plum. It some lights it's nearly black, but the jelly consistency shows the true plum/purple undertones. It's so pretty. 

This polish, along with all of April's other polishes, are available in her store here. She's having some Black Friday sales for a couple more hours, go check it out! Be sure to follow her on Instagram for updates on her restocks and sales!

I have another special Pipe Dream coming up for you very soon. Stay tuned!


**Polishes in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use at a discounted rate in exchange for an honest review. Please see my full disclosure policy for more details.**

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