
Friday, December 6, 2013

Sincerely Polish Jolly Holly Christmas

**Press Sample**

Hi everyone! I hope you all have had a good week. Here in the Midwest we've been getting hit with quite a bit of snow the last couple of days. I love snow. Driving in snow? Not so much. But luckily it hasn't been too bad. 

Tonight I have a very pretty Christmas collection to show you from the lovely Karen Jo at Sincerely Polish

Image courtesy of

First up I have My Winter Wonder. 

My Winter Wonder is a deep blue jelly polish filled with blue micro glitters in different hues, blue bars, silver micro glitters, and white snowflake shaped glitters.

For this mani I used 3 coats of My Winter Wonder with some fishing and placement with the snowflakes. Then I added 1 coat of Glossy Glam topcoat.

This polish is such a bright and true blue. Fishing for the snowflakes didn't bother me at all, I found that I wanted to place them in certain spots anyway, so I was happy to dig them out. All of the other glitters flowed freely and evenly. 

Next is Cookie Up Some Fun.

Cookie Up Some Fun is a light brown crelly filled with micro red, green, gold, and brown glitters. 

For this mani I did 3 thin coats of Cookie Up Some Fun and topped it with 1 coat of Glossy Glam

Right out of the box this was one of my favorites, but unfortunately I don't think it looks very good on me. That always happens, I love these gorgeous nudes and tans but they end up looking weird on my skin tone. 

The application on this was great. The glitter distributes nicely on its own, no placement needed. 


Next up is Mr. Snow Mint.

Mr. Snow Mint is a glitter topper filled with mint hexes, mint dots, white hexes, iridescent glitters, and snowman shaped glitters. 

For this mani I started with 2 coats of OPI This Gown Needs A Crown on my ring finger and pinkie, and 1 coat of OPI Ski Teal We Drop on my middle and pointer finger. After adding 2 coats of Mr. Snow Mint I sealed it in with Glossy Glam

I would say the application on this glitter topper was really good, although those little snowmen proved to be somewhat elusive for me. I had to really dig and fish them out, but kind of like My Winter Wonder I was okay with it because I wanted to control where they went. I added a macro of my thumb with no snowmen so you could see just how gorgeous this glitter is with or without the cute little guys. 

Next is That's Treerific.

That's Treerific is a glitter topper filled with different sizes, shapes and colors such as golden hex glitters, purple holo hexes, red holo dots, blue diamond glitters, and green circle glitters.

For this mani I started with 1 coat of OPI Keeping Suzi At Bay then added 3 dabbed coats of That's Treerific. Then I sealed it in with Glossy Glam.

The application on this glitter was good for the type of gliter that it is. These types of glitters are always kind of finicky to work with, and dabbing is almost always necessary. My macros do show some bubbling, but that wasn't very obvious when I was just looking at my nails. (and I look really close, trust me) 

This is a really fun one! It reminds me of all the best parts of a Christmas tree, the shine colors and sparkle! And look at how deep it is. Nothing better than a squishy glitter. 

Next I have Belles of Christmas.

Belles of Christmas a glitter topper filled with red and green glitters, gold diamond glitters, gold hex glitters, and red and green bell shaped glitters. 

For this mani I started with 1 coat of OPI Black Onyx and topped it with 2 coats of Belles of Christmas, with some extra dabbing. Then I sealed it in with Glossy Glam

For the most part this glitter applied really well. Like the other glitters in this collection with shapes, the glitter has flawless application; but I had to dig and dig to get the bells. I had a harder time fishing out bells than I did with the other shaped glitters in this collection. That could just be user error, or maybe they didn't like me. But I did get a few out to show you the how shiny and pretty they are. And, like the other shaped glitters in this collection, I felt like I wanted to do the placement because I wanted to determine where they were. 

I included a macro of my thumb with no bells to show how pretty the glitter is with or without the bells.
Last but not least, Perfectly Mint for You.

Perfectly Mint for You is a white crelly polish filled with micro red matte hexes, small red hexes, and heart glitters. 

For this mani I did 3 thin coats of Perfectly Mint for You and topped it with Glossy Glam

The formula on this polish is really good. The glitter distributes nicely and you don't really have to fish for anything with it. When I first saw it I thought "Hearts? In a Christmas polish?" But as I was putting it on it quickly became a favorite and not the typical Christmas polish. 


I really love this collection! It's a nice mix of crellies and and glitter toppers. And something that was new to me with this collection, Sincerely Polish is now made with a 5-free solution base (No formaldehyde, dibutyl phthalate (DBP), toluene, formaldehyde resin and camphor). 

Be sure to follow Sincerely Polish on Instagram for updates and pictures. The polishes can be purchased through their store here. 

I have some more Sincerely Polish goodies to share with you this weekend, so stay tuned! 

See you soon!


**The Sincerely Polish polishes in this post were sent to me in exchange for an honest review. Please see my full disclosure policy for more details.**

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