
Friday, December 27, 2013

Pipe Dream Polish Red Light

**press sample**

Hi everyone! I'm sorry it's been so long. I had minor surgery on 12/11; everything went fine but even with minor stuff you're out of commission for a little bit. I was up and around in a few days thankfully, and my hubby was a great nurse. But, just when I started to feel better I got in a fender bender. It was a pretty minor accident, but it did a LOT of damage to my little car. It was my fault, I glanced at my clock for a half a second and when I looked up there was a truck stopped in front of me. His trailer hitch hit my car in just the right spot, going through lots of important parts. It was my first accident and my first ticket all rolled into one. But, 2 weeks and $4000 later I should get my car and life back to normal. :)

So the first step in getting back to normal was painting my nails, second step is blogging about painting my nails. This morning I have a BEAUTIFUL polish for you from April at Pipe Dream Polish. This is Red Light, part of April's Lorde Gatsby Collection.

Red Light is a red jelly base packed with holographic pink, silver, and purple glitter. Do you remember the beauty that is Green Light? This is it's red cousin. And it is so incredible. Look at that holo sparkle!

For this mani I applied 3 thin coats of Red Light and topped it with 1 coat of Glisten & Glow HK Girl Topcoat. I wore this mani for several days and loved it the whole time. I don't really care much for red polish on myself, but this one is just gorgeous. It's got so much depth and squishiness and sparkle... all the things you want in a good jelly sandwich in a bottle. 

I can honestly say that I have never been disappointed by a Pipe Dream Polish, and I mean that whole heartily. April has become a great friend over the last few months, and her polishes are just as great as she is. If you're looking for an indie to try for the first time, or if you're already a collector and looking for a brand to add to your collection, get your hands on some of these. You won't be sorry.

Red Light can be purchased in April's Etsy store here

HK Girl topcoat can be purchased here

I hope you all enjoyed this post! I hope to be back to regular posting after the holidays. 

Thanks for hanging in there with me, even though I haven't been posting much! Follow me on Instagram if you want to see more pictures of polish and my day to day life. (like my dog Sammie's Christmas mani. :) ) 

Talk to you soon!


**The polishes in this post were provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review.**

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