
Monday, December 30, 2013

Pipe Dream Polish Sapphire Attire

**press sample**

Good morning friends! Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. We spent the weekend with my in laws celebrating Christmas. I have been really bless with a very sweet set of in laws, I know not everyone feels that way. But they really are very kind and fun people. (That explains my exceptionally fun and kind hubby huh? :) ) The highlight of the weekend was when a family friend (who is a farmer and farm equipment mechanic) started asking me details about nail blogging. He then wanted to see an example of a "swatch and review", so I showed him my recent review of Red Light. He read it out loud to the room and it was hilarious. Hearing a man that is normally talking to my husband about farm equipment, cars, or the 3 Stooges say "I don't usually like red polish on myself but this is gorgeous" really had me giggling. And on a side note, it's a little embarrassing hearing your posts read out loud. Anyone else feel that way? 

Anywho, lets move on to the polish and start this Monday off with some GLITTAH! 

Today I have Pipe Dream Polish Sapphire Attire. 

For this mani I started with 2 coats of Orly In the Navy on my pointer and middle finger, and 2 coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls on my ring and pinkie finger. I put 2 coats of Sapphire Attire on top of those. Then I topped it all off with Just Ricarda Glossy Glam. (Shout out to my sweet friend Elena from ecklipsed by color for giving me Orly In the Navy for Christmas. It is INCREDIBLE! And I never buy Orly so I wouldn't have gotten my hands on it if it wasn't for her. Thank you sweet friend! You should all be following her Instagram and blog, she's the sweetest and most fabulous fashionista I know. :) )

Sapphire Attire is a clear based polish filled with bright blue, black holo, and silver holo glitters. 

You guys, this blue. I can't even describe it... the best thing I can compare it to is blue LED Christmas lights. You know how they almost hurt to look at? Like your eyes can't register their awesomeness? It's kind of like that. They look like they are lit up. It's incredible. My birthstone is sapphire, and I have a weakness for them. This polish looks like it has little glowing sapphires in it, it's amazing. Then you add not only silver but black holo to it too?!? Insane genius! 

Sapphire Attire is part of Pipe Dream's upcoming Glitterandom Collection, releasing this Friday January 3rd at 12 pm EST.

Pipe Dream Polish can be purchased through their Etsy store here

Glossy Glam can be purchased through their Etsy store here

Be sure to follow April on Instagram for updates and more pictures. I've got the remaining 6 polishes from this collection coming to you this week... trust me, you are going to want them. :) That's all I'll say for now. 

I hope you all have a lovely day! Thanks for reading! 

See you tomorrow!!!


**The Pipe Dream Polishes in this post were provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. Please see my disclosure policy for more details.**

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