
Monday, December 9, 2013

Pipe Dream Polish Twigs and Berries

Good morning friends! Happy Monday to you! I say that with the hopes that I will make it be a good Monday. We have slick roads here, I'm still fighting a cold, and I'm supposed to have surgery in 2 days.... So I'm a little strung out. I'm sure that everything will be fine, I just have so much I want to do before then. Even though I'm supposed to be back up and around in just a few days, I'm panicky trying to get everything all planned out. And they may not even want to do it since I've had this cold, who knows. 

So what is the cure for all that ails you? Or, for all that ails me? Polish. If there's glitter in that polish, even better. If its a Pipe Dream polish that was made in collaboration with one of my favorite nail gals Amy (@indie500nails) AND $4 from every bottle goes to the Movember Foundation, my day is made. Plus, the name really gives me a case of the giggles. 

This is Twigs and Berries. 

For this mani I started with 2 coats of OPI This Gown Needs A Crown on my index finger and 1 coat of OPI Miss You-Niverse on my other fingers. Then I added 1 coat (yes, ONE coat) of Twigs and Berries. I topped it with Glossy Glam.

Twigs and Berries is a clear base glitter topper filled with all different shapes and sizes. Lots of blue and purple and pink and holo goodness. 

See all the depth and layers in this one? That is with 1 coat. That is why I love April's polishes so much, she's got the squish factor mastered. 

Here is a bottle macro for your viewing pleasure.

Pipe Dream Polish can be polished through her Etsy store here. Be sure to follow her on Instagram for updates on new polishes and releases. 

As of right now this polish is not available, but the glitter is on its way to April as we speak so it should be available very soon!

As always, thanks for reading! Have a great day!


**The polishes in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use. I did receive a discount in exchange for an honest review.**

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