
Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy 2nd Anniversary Twinsie Tuesday!

Good morning everyone! Today I have a very special post for 2 special reasons. Firstly this is a special edition Twinsie Tuesday post (which is why it is on a Friday) because it marks the 2nd anniversary of the first Twinsie Tuesday! The second reason that this is a special post is that it is my 100th blog post!!! Can you believe it? I can't believe it. When I started this little blog back in July I wasn't sure what was going to happen. Since then I've become an official swatcher for a couple of wonderful indie polish brands, I've swatched several other indie brands, and I've been asked to join Twinsie Tuesday! I am so thankful for the friends that I've made through this little adventure and I am loving every minute of it. Plus my therapist says that I can not give up the polish thing because it's good for my mental health. Strict doctor's instructions here folks, so I'm not going anywhere. I'm getting closer and closer to 2000 followers on Instagram too, crazy that 2000 people want to see pictures of my nails and randomness.

Now on to today's post. For our special anniversary post the prompt was Inspired by Another Twinsie's First TT Mani. The Twinsies that we were to be inspired by were assigned and I got Marisa from Polish Obsession. Marisa was one of the original Twinsies, how cool is that? Their first theme was International Polish. Head over to see her original post here. Well, I only have one international polish (for now) and it is a lovely bottle of Glam Polish and Aussie brand that I'd been wanting to try for a while. My friend Sarah sent it to me as a gift last month and I hadn't tried it yet, so the timing was perfect. (Go check her out, she's got an awesome online store in the UK selling all kinds of nail charms and goodies, seriously cute stuff. And her Instagram, cutest cats ever and some awesome manis!)

Sarah and I share a serious love for all things Despicable Me. If you haven't seen the movies, you really need to watch them. They are adorable and funny with a nice moral to the story, just like any good cartoon should be. :) So when she went searching for a polish to send me as a sweet little gift she chose Glam Polish and a polish from their Despicable Me themed collection Mayhem & Madness.

This is So Fluffy I'm Gonna Die!!! More details and pictures after the jump! (including macros!)

So Fluffy I'm Gonna Die is a white crelly base filled with hot pink and yellow glitters in varying shapes and sizes. It's inspired by the colors of Agnes' unicorn that Gru wins for her. I'm going to put a link to the youtube video in here because it's just too cute.

For this mani I applied 3 thin coats of So Fluffy I'm Gonna Die! with a little bit of placement for the larger pieces. Not because I had to, just because I want to. Then I topped it off with 1 coat of Gelous and 1 coat of HK Girl Fast Dry Topcoat.

The application of this polish was a dream, the glitter distributed nicely on it's own and the consistency was consistently consistent. Does that make sense? :) It didn't get thick or gluey at any point, just nice and smooth.

 Seriously, watch the movie if you haven't. I'm 33 years old, I have no kids, but I still watch cartoons. And Gru is one of my very favorite characters ever. And Agnes, you can't help but love Agnes. "It's so fluffy!!!!"

So what do you all think? Do you love this polish? I need (yes NEED) more Glam Polishes in my life ASAP. Have you seen Despicable Me 1 & 2? If not go watch it now. You won't be sorry. 

I hope you all enjoyed todays post. Thanks for sticking around with me! Here's to 100 more posts and growing and improving from here!

Be sure to go check out my fellow Twinsie's blogs (linked below) to see the manis they created! 

Talk to you soon!

Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Kelly at Tuxarina
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Traci at DrinkCitra

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