
Monday, January 27, 2014

Luscious Potion Purity Lake & Fading Cherry Blossom

**press sample*

Hello everyone! So today I have an evening post for you! I planned to get this queued up for this morning... but last night my body decided that bedtime was a better idea than blogging. :) 

So tonight I have a couple of polishes from a new to me brand, Luscious Potion. These are also my first thermal polishes! So forgive the fact that my nails are wet in all of these pictures... although I kinda dig the wet nail macros... not gonna lie. 

Up first is Purity Lake. 






Purity Lake is a holo blue thermal that transitions from light blue when warm to dark blue when cold. 

For this mani I applied 3 thin coats of Purity Lake and topped it with 1 coat of Seche Vite. The application on this polish was a bit thick, but it went on pretty well. It's my first thermal but I think the transition is really good. It's very subtle, but sometimes that's a good thing. Plus, it's blue. Who doesn't love blue? 

Next up is Fading Cherry Blossom.






Fading Cherry Blossom is a holo thermal that goes from silver when warm to a lovely pink when cold. 

For this mani I used 3 thin coats of Fading Cherry Blossom and 1 coat of Seche Vite. The formula on this one was like Purity Lake, a bit thick but workable. Topcoat smoothed it out nicely and the transition was good. I love the contrast in this polish, there's a very noticeable difference between warm and cold. I won't tell you how long I sat in my kitchen dipping my finger tips in cold and warm water. :) 

Luscious Potion is available on their website here. 

So what do you think of these polishes? How do you feel about thermals? I know that they have a shelf life, but I do enjoy it. I think I'll have to try a few more. 

I hope you all had a great Monday! And have an even better Monday Night!


**The polishes in this post were provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. For more details please my full disclosure policy.**

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