
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Royal Polish Tidal Glow & Please Kelp Me!

**press sample**

Good morning everyone! Happy Thursday! It is Thursday right? Last week I went through 3/4 of the day Wednesday before I realized that is wasn't Thursday. Don't you hate it when that happens? 

So, today I have 2 more polishes from the Royal Polish Sea Dreams Collection for you to enjoy. I really love this collection folks, I hope my pictures do it justice! 

First up is Tidal Glow.

Tidal Glow is a blue polish packed with all different colors of flakies, a whole rainbow of them. 

Oh my goodness this polish.... it's like a bright blue opal on your fingers. I think out of all 6 it is my very favorite. For this mani I used 3 coats of Tidal Glow and added 1 coat of Glossy Glam. Application was smooth and the flakies are evenly and densely packed. LOVE. 

Next up is Please Kelp Me!

Please Kelp Me! is available in 2 formulas, either a clear base or a shimmery green base. I went with the green base, because I really do love polishes that build on their own. Its got a gorgeous shimmery green base, filled with green and gold hex glitters. 

For this mani I used 3 coats of Please Kelp Me! and topped it with 1 coat of Glossy Glam. The formula on this polish was really great too. Honestly Violet is doing such a fantastic job on her formulas and colors. I don't have anything bad to say about any of these! I'm thinking this one will be AMAZING for St. Patricks Day.

Both of these Royal Polishes are available on their store here. I really do recommend Violet's brand. She's been super sweet through the swatching process and her polish backs it up. Good job girly! 

Glossy Glam topcoat is available in Just Ricarda's Esty store here

I've got two more of these babies for you tomorrow! 

Talk to you then! 


**The polishes in this post were provided for me in exchange for a fair and honest review. For more details please see my disclosure policy.**

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