
Friday, February 28, 2014

Sincerely Polish Toxic Seduction Collection

**press sample**

Good morning polish friends! I hope you're all having a good week. I'm happy it Friday, that is all I have to say about it. :) 

Today I have a new collection from Sincerely Polish for you. This collection is going to be released tomorrow, 3/1. It is inspired by Karen's love of Britney Spears. More pics and details after the jump! 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Twinsie Tuesday: Favorite Nail Polish Brand

Good morning everyone! Happy Twinsie Tuesday! 

Today's prompt is Favorite Nail Polish Brand.... this isn't a difficult question for me at all. My favorite nail polish brand is OPI. Picking which colors to use on the other hand, that was agonizing. :) The reason I love OPI so much is the amazing formula. As much as I love glitter, creams are my favorite. And OPI does cream polish like no other main stream brand. Zoya is a close second, but OPI will probably always have my heart. Besides the formula, I am in love with that Pro Wide brush. It's just the right width for my little nails, makes my manis so much easier. 

So then I decided I needed to come up with a design. I debated just a regular 1 color mani... nah, couldn't do that. Thought about mixing in another brand, nah... I wanted all OPI all cream. Then I remembered Saran Wrap. And here is what happened next.

For this mani I used both methods that I've seen for Saran Wrap manis, the kind that removes polish and the kind that dabs it on. First I started with a base of 2 coats of OPI Miss You-Niverse, although 1 would have been plenty. Then I added a coat of Glisten & Glow HK Girl Top Coat to speed up the drying process. Once it was dry, I painted on a fairly thick coat of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls. (My all time very most favorite ever white. I may or may not have 5 backups of this beauty...) Before that was dry, like immediately after painting it on one nail, I took a piece of saran wrap that was crumpled up and dabbed it on he nail. This will take parts of the white off in kind of a folded pattern. After that had dried I dropped some OPI I'm Feeling Sashy on a piece of foil and dipped some more crumpled Saran Wrap in that, dabbed some off, then dabbed some on the nail until I was happy with it. Once that was done I cleaned up my cuticles, topcoated, added drying drops, and called it good.

Now here's the thing with nail art like this... if you're like me, you won't be happy with it. Not at first. I've learned to never make a decision until you add topcoat. And this is a perfect example. I should have taken a picture of it before topcoat. It was a hot mess, all lumpy and rough and uneven. But then I added topcoat and it turned into some pretty awesome art. I'm not 100% happy with it, I see flaws I'd like to have avoided... but overall I really like it. It reminds me of whispy smoke in the best possible way. 

What do you all think? Have you tried Saran Wrap nail art? Do you think the trend is passed? I don't think so, I really like this one and plan to leave it on for several days. 

Be sure to check out the other Twinsies (linked below) to see what they came up with to showcase their favorite brands! Follow all of use on Instagram and Facebook too!

Until next time!


Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Kelly at Tuxarina
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Traci at DrinkCitra

**All polishes in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use.**

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sincerely Polish Neon Jellies

**press sample**

Good morning everyone! Today I'm really excited to bring you an upcoming collection from the lovely Karen Jo at Sincerely Polish! This collection will be available for preorder 2/19-2/21 and the release date is set for 2/23. I can't wait to share these with you! 

 I'm going to save some time and tell you about the formula on all of these now. It is great. Sometimes with white jellies you get a bit of a gluey consistency, but not with these. They flowed smoothly and evenly, very little glitter placement was required. Mostly the only placing I had to do was just the arranging I wanted to do. 

All of these manis are 3 coats with 1 coat of Gelous and 1 coat of Just Ricarda Glossy Glam. I can't say this enough, I'm loving adding Gelous to my glitter swatches and manicures. It gives your nails an extra layer of depth and squish without adding a lot of bulk to the nail. It packs a big bunch for a small amount of money. (speaking of which I need to head to Sally's soon and grab another bottle.... :) )

So, on to the polishes. 


First up, Beyond Supernova.

Beyond Supernova is full of hot pink stars, hexes, and small glitters. It's also got neon green large hexes and small glitters. 

How much fun is this polish? For some reason it makes me think of Jem. (truly outrageous!) 


Next up, Neontastic Love.

Neontastic Love has hot pink hearts, large hexes, and squares. I love the mix in this one. It's light on the glitter, and I love it. I'm a sucker for white jelly polish with bright glitter, and pink. So naturally I love this!


Next up is Electric Love Crush.

Electric Love Crush... what's not to love here? Pinks and blues in a white base? I'm sold. Look at that awesomeness! Pink Hearts, hexes, squares, and small hexes. Blue large squares. This is a really unique combo I think, and I love it. 


Last but not least, Digital Getdown.

Digital Getdown is packed with large neon green hexes and small neon green squares, and blue hexes in all shapes. 

Overall I love this collection. I know a lot of indies have made white jellies with neon glitters, but I like this more than others I've tried. The consistency is smooth and doesn't get gluey. I highly recommend these if you like this look as much as I do. 

I hope you like this post! I will have some more Sincerely Polish polishes for you very soon! 

Until next time, Happy Wednesday!


**The polishes in this post were provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. For more details see my disclosure policy.**

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Twinsie Tuesday: Share Your Nail Polish Collection

Happy Tuesday Friends! You know what that means, it's Twinsie Tuesday again! I haven't been a Twinsie long, but I really am loving being a part of this group. I was already friends with some of the girls, but have made some new friends. I value the friendships I've made in this community more than I can express. So thank you ladies for welcoming me with open arms!

Ok, enough with the mushiness. :) Today's prompt was Share Your Nail Polish Collection. Wow... that's a daunting prompt for someone like me. I'm not 100% sure how many polishes I have, but I'm betting it's upwards of 400 bottles these days. Not much if you compare it to some other swatchers in the community, but it's more than I ever thought I'd have. I couldn't figure out if I should show you each brand, every polish, a list, or what... I was just stumped. Finally I decided that I would show you what I use for storage and inside the drawers. If you have any questions on specifics just let me know. :)

As usual, more pics and details after the jump.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Royal Polish Glitter Grendades

**press sample**

Good morning everyone! Happy Monday! Did everyone have a good weekend? We did, got to spend some fun time at the park with the dog and some good friends, followed by yummy food with the same friends, then the rest of the weekend was pretty lazy. Except for my swatchathon Sunday. Seems to be a regular thing for me these days. I love it. :) 

Today I have some new polishes by Royal Polish, 1 of her lovely jelly polishes and some of her super glittery Glitter Grenades! 

More pictures and details after the jump!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Sincerely Polish Mademoiselle 2.0!

**press sample**

Happy Sunday night everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. I've got a bit of the Sunday blues, but that's normal. Ready to get back to work tomorrow. I'm so excited to let you all know that my blog is now at!!! My sweet sweet hubby set me up with my own domain, I'm so excited! It's a little thing I suppose, but it makes me feel more legit. :) 

So how about we talk about some polish? I've got a lot of great ones lined up for you this week. 

Tonight I want to show you some of the Mademoiselle 2.0 polishes from Sincerely Polish! Karen Jo reformulated her original Mademoiselle polishes with her new 5 free formula! For my original Mademoiselle post click here

More pictures and details after the jump!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Twinsie Tuesday Valentines Inspired Nails

Good morning everyone! Again, I'm sorry I've been a bit absent lately. I feel like a broken record, but life has just been crazy. I'm hoping things will calm down very very soon. :) 

Today's Twinsie Tuesday prompt is Valentine's Day Inspired nails. This type of prompt is easy for me... I love Valentine's Day. Sure, I'm in a happy marriage and am absolutely crazy about my husband. Yes, I'm one of "those" people, I love him more and more each day. I wouldn't sugar coat it though, marriage is hard but it is so worth the work. But we take care of each other, and I love knowing that he's who I'm going to be with for the rest of my life. That's a wonderful feeling. And yes, I'm a sap. But it is all truly how I feel. I wish everyone had what I feel like we have. But, all that being said, I think I would love Valentine's Day either way... because I think love is a great thing to celebrate. All kinds of love in all shapes and sizes. AND hearts! Come on, what's not to love? :) Next to circles/swirls it's my favorite shape.  

So here is what I came up with for today. I have more Valentine's Manis coming this week. 

For this mani I painted 3 thin coats of Pipe Dream Polish McPolish's Awesomesauce on all of my fingers but my ring finger and thumb. Then added 1 coat of Gelous and 1 coat of Glisten & Glow HK Girl topcoat. Awesomesauce is a thermal polish, but I don't think it liked me much. I didn't have much luck getting it out of it's cold state, which is what is see in the pictures. The bottle is a bit lighter, that's more what it should be when warm. To be fair my fingers were freezing all day the day I did these, so that probably didn't help. And I was so anxious to try another mani I didn't leave them on long enough to play. But either way, I love this polish. The formula was fantastic and I'm a total sucker for gray, pink, and black. Perfect combo! Unfortunately this polish isn't currently available but I think April is planning some similar polishes in the near future.

On my ring finger and thumb I used 3 thin coats of OPI Strawberry Margarita. I'm so glad that Elena from ecklipsedbycolor and Kelly from Tuxarina bullied me into buying this one. (hehe... like anyone has to bully me into getting a new polish) It's such a perfect pink! After Strawberry Margarita I applied HK Girl and waited for it to dry completely. Then I used some of my newest Make It Stick Designs decals. April had a giveaway recently and I won! How exciting is that? I love her decals, especially these smaller ones like the key and the heart. I topped those with 1 coat of Gelous and 1 coat of HK Girl as well. They are sturdy decals so you need some thickness to your toppers. I've also ordered some of her decor for my mom and loved it too. You should definitely check her out!

So what do you all think? I loved this mani, even though I only wore it for a day. I have lots of Valentine themed ideas for you so I'm hoping to do several manis this week. 

Be sure to check out my fellow Twinsie's linked below! I can't wait to see what they came up with!

Until next time!


**The Pipe Dream Polish in this post was provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review**

Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Kelly at Tuxarina
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Traci at DrinkCitra

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Sincerely Polish XOXO Collection

**press sample**

Good morning everyone! Today I'm excited to bring you the entire XOXO Collection from Sincerely Polish. So let's just jump right in, shall we? 

More details and pics after the jump! Click

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Twinsie Tuesday Red Nails for American Heart Month (Heart Disease Awareness)

Good morning polish friends! I hope you're having a good week so far! So far my week is good but a bit hectic. 

For today's post our prompt was Red Nails for American Heart Month. Whenever I think "perfect red polish", I think Zoya. I've got 2 perfect reds from Zoya, today I decided on Rehka. 

For this mani I applied 3 thin coats of Rehka followed with 1 coat of Glisten & Glow HK Girl Topcoat for extra shine. 

Look at that red! Look at that shine! I love these. I will admit that red polish is NOT my favorite polish. I love it in theory, and I love it on other people, but I'm not crazy about it on my hands. And I'm REALLY not crazy about working with it. It stains my skin so easily... so I have to be extra super duper extremely careful with my application so that I don't need much clean up. I think I did a pretty good job here. And lets be honest, it's hard to make this polish look anything but beautiful. 

Sorry I didn't get any nail art done for ya, crazy hectic day Tuesday taking the dog to the vet for a teeth cleaning. I took her to my parents vet 40 miles away, then got too chatty when I picked her up after work and didn't get home til almost 10. Whoops. :) 

I hope you love this red! Zoya has some amazing polishes, you definitely need to try some out if you haven't yet. 

Thank you for reading! Be sure to check out my other Twinsie Tuesday friends for their Red Manis for American Heart Month! See below for their links! 


**All polishes in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use.**

Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Kelly at Tuxarina
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Traci at DrinkCitra

Monday, February 3, 2014

Peace Love and Polish Featured Blogger

Good morning everyone! Just a quick post to let you all know I'm a featured blogger today over at Peace Love and Polish! Head over to her blog to check it out!!!

Happy Monday! Talk to you all soon. I should have some reviews up very soon. 
