
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Sincerely Polish Neon Jellies

**press sample**

Good morning everyone! Today I'm really excited to bring you an upcoming collection from the lovely Karen Jo at Sincerely Polish! This collection will be available for preorder 2/19-2/21 and the release date is set for 2/23. I can't wait to share these with you! 

 I'm going to save some time and tell you about the formula on all of these now. It is great. Sometimes with white jellies you get a bit of a gluey consistency, but not with these. They flowed smoothly and evenly, very little glitter placement was required. Mostly the only placing I had to do was just the arranging I wanted to do. 

All of these manis are 3 coats with 1 coat of Gelous and 1 coat of Just Ricarda Glossy Glam. I can't say this enough, I'm loving adding Gelous to my glitter swatches and manicures. It gives your nails an extra layer of depth and squish without adding a lot of bulk to the nail. It packs a big bunch for a small amount of money. (speaking of which I need to head to Sally's soon and grab another bottle.... :) )

So, on to the polishes. 


First up, Beyond Supernova.

Beyond Supernova is full of hot pink stars, hexes, and small glitters. It's also got neon green large hexes and small glitters. 

How much fun is this polish? For some reason it makes me think of Jem. (truly outrageous!) 


Next up, Neontastic Love.

Neontastic Love has hot pink hearts, large hexes, and squares. I love the mix in this one. It's light on the glitter, and I love it. I'm a sucker for white jelly polish with bright glitter, and pink. So naturally I love this!


Next up is Electric Love Crush.

Electric Love Crush... what's not to love here? Pinks and blues in a white base? I'm sold. Look at that awesomeness! Pink Hearts, hexes, squares, and small hexes. Blue large squares. This is a really unique combo I think, and I love it. 


Last but not least, Digital Getdown.

Digital Getdown is packed with large neon green hexes and small neon green squares, and blue hexes in all shapes. 

Overall I love this collection. I know a lot of indies have made white jellies with neon glitters, but I like this more than others I've tried. The consistency is smooth and doesn't get gluey. I highly recommend these if you like this look as much as I do. 

I hope you like this post! I will have some more Sincerely Polish polishes for you very soon! 

Until next time, Happy Wednesday!


**The polishes in this post were provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. For more details see my disclosure policy.**

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