
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Twinsie Tuesday Winter to Spring Transition Polish

Good morning polish lovers! Happy Tuesday! 

Today's Twinsie Tuesday prompt is Winter to Spring Transition Polish. Confession time... I don't really follow seasons with polish colors. I don't think that's really any secret though. I do tend to lean more toward brights in the spring and darks in the fall, but that's about as "seasonal" as I get color wise. 

So this prompt was kinda tricky for me. So I just kept thinking spring. Spring spring spring spring spring......... BLUE! Sky blue to be exact. And what is my favorite sky blue polish? OPI Can't Find My Czeckbook of course! (I may or may not have a backup or two of this one... I think I'm an OPI hoarder) 

For these nails I applied 2 buttery perfect coats of OPI Can't Find My Czeckbook and topped it with Just Ricarda Glossy Glam. Do you see why I love this color? It's cheerful without being obnoxious. I love it. 

Be sure to check out the other Twinsie's blogs! Links to their blogs are below.

Thanks for reading! 


**The polishes in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use.**

Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Kelly at Tuxarina
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Traci at DrinkCitra

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Twinsie Tuesday: Tip Nail Art

**press sample**

Good morning everyone! It's Tuesday! Twinsie Tuesday!!!

Today's prompt was Tip Nail Art. At first I thought classic French tips with some art on them... but then I remembered, glitter gradients. I think that counts and tip nail art and it suits me (and my little nubbin nails) much better.

So here is what I came up with! More details and links to the other blogs after the jump!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Born Pretty Store Review: Water Decals

**press sample**

Hello everyone! Tonight I have a quick post for you, to show you Born Pretty Store Water Decals... a story of failure and semi success. ;) 

Click read more for more pictures, details, and a coupon code!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Born Pretty Store: Black Rhinestones

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Two posts in one day? Crazy right? I can't wait to share the rest of my Born Pretty Store goodies with you, so you're getting more than one post today. :) 

This post is devoted to 1.5 mm rhinestones just like the previous post, but the color option is #12 from the listing

For more pictures, details, and my coupon code click read more!

Born Pretty Store Review: Pink Rhinestones & Wax Picker Pencil

**press sample**

Hello everyone! Today I have another Born Pretty Store review for you, of 2 things. One is a decoration one is a tool. 

For this post I have Pink Rhinestones and a super handy little wax pencil. Click read more for more details, pictures, and a coupon code for 10% off!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Born Pretty Store Review: Rainbow Hexagon Glitters

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Hello everyone! Tonight I'm excited to bring you my very first Born Pretty Store review! For those of you that don't know, Born Pretty Store is an online store with all the supplies you'll ever need for nail art. I've purchased studs from them before, so when they contacted me to ask if I wanted to do a review I was very excited. 

Tonight I'm going to show you the item that I've wanted from them for the longest time, "glequins". That is a term that was coined by the wonderful Sammy over at The Nailasaurus. It's really the perfect term for these things, they are a nice combo of glitter and a sequin and they are perfect for nail art. 

So I ordered this set from Born Pretty, and this is the mani I came up with. This is a picture heavy post, so click "read more" for more pictures and details!

Twinsie Tuesday: Go-To Polish

Good morning everyone! Happy Tuesday!

Today's Twinsie Tuesday prompt was our Go-To Polish. I had to really think about this one. I don't have that one polish that a lot of you probably have that is my go-to... Especially since I became a swatcher. I'm always painting my nails, so I don't get much of a break where I need that go-to option. So.... I started to think about what polish I love most, and the one that is my go-to for a lot of different looks. I would say that any polish that you have 5 backups of (yes, 5) probably fits that bill right? 

So here is my go-to, OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls. 

Look at it! Just look at it!!!!!!!!!!!! Can you see why it's my favorite? It's white, without being WHITE. I just love it. For this look I used 3 thin coats of MBSW and topped it with Just Ricarda Glossy Glam. 

So, that's it. My somewhat boring pick for my "Go-To" polish! Why do I have 5 backups you ask? Well, because I'm a bit of a hoarder. (although if it's organized it's TECHNICALLY a collection) But mostly it's because OPI hasn't made this part of their core line that I've heard about... its from the Spider Man Collection a few years back. So whenever I find a bottle I grab it. And they're usually on sale so bonus! 

Be sure to check out the other Twinsies posts (linked below) for their Go-To Polishes!

Thanks for reading! 

Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Kelly at Tuxarina
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Traci at DrinkCitra

**The polishes in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use.**

Monday, March 10, 2014

Sincerely Polish Shamrockin' Trio

**press sample**

Hi everyone! Sorry for the late post, but I have to share these with you and this was the first chance I've had to post it. :) 

Tonight I have the Sincerely Polish Shamrockin' Trio!

First up, Teal My Luck Runs Out.

Here you see 3 coats of Teal My Luck Runs Out topped with 1 coat of Gelous and 1 coat of Glossy Glam by Just Ricarda. 

Teal My Luck Runs Out is a white jelly base filled with various shapes and sizes of teal and mint glitters. Application on this was flawless, very little glitter placement and that was only on the larger glitters. LOVE it!

Next up is Don't Touch My Pot of Gold.

For this look I used 1 coat of Don't Touch My Pot of Gold over Zoya Josie, on my ring finger I dabbed 3 coats of Don't Touch My Pot of Gold on it's own. All nails were topped with 1 coat of Gelous and 1 coat of Glossy Glam. 

Don't Touch My Pot of Gold is a clear base filled with every shape and size of gold glitter you can think of. So much sparkle! I posted a macro video of this baby on my Instagram, you should check it out! Application was easy and smooth!

Up last is Emerald Crush. 

For this mani I used 1 coat of Emerald Crush over Zoya Neely, my ring finger got 3 dabbed coats of Emerald Crush. All nails were topped with 1 coat of Gelous and 1 coat of Glossy Glam. 

Emerald Crush is a clear base packed with green glitters in every shape and size, including holographic green glitters and some holographic golds. So much awesome! Great application on this one too!

I love this collection and I can see myself pulling it out for more than just St. Patrick's Day. 

You can purchase Sincerely Polish in their store here. Be sure to follow Karen Jo on Instagram for updates and sales!

Glossy Glam can be purchased in their store here. 

Thanks for reading! Have a great night everyone! 


**The polishes in this post were provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. For more information please see my disclosure policy**

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Twinsie Tuesday Grunge Nails

Happy Tuesday everyone! I hope you're all having a great week so far! I'm feeling pretty worn down... without going into a ton of detail I'll just say that endometriosis SUCKS. :)   

So today's prompt is Grunge Nails. At first I thought I'd go with the distressed look that has been floating around the internet since the beautiful Sarah over at Chalkboard Nails posted them here. (go check it out, they're amazing!)

But, I wanted to add more to it. When I think of "grunge" I think of my teen years. Yes, I'm 33, I was a teen in the 90s... when grunge was at it's prime. I have never been (and probably never will be) fashionable, but I was mesmerized by the look when I was young. So I needed to add to that distressed look... acid wash jeans came to mind. A lot of people have done this look, so I got to browsing the web and found a great tutorial on Seriously Swatched here

This is what I came up with.

For this mani I used all Zoya polishes, except for my topcoats. 

I started with 1 coat of Zoya Blu. That isn't enough to get complete coverage, but you don't need complete coverage with either of these looks. I added a coat of Glossy Glam topcoat to this to get it nice and dry. Then on my pinky and pointer I added 1 coat of Sailor, 1 coat of Blu, 1 coat of Sailor and another coat of Blu. I then took a piece of a makeup sponge dipped in acetone and kinda "burned" little holes in it. (See Cordia's tutorial for better instructions... I'm not good at them at all!) After that I added a coat of Gelous. While it was still a little tacky I added some silver studs from Born Pretty... they kind of reminded me of button fly Levi's. Remember those? After I got those where I wanted them I added another coat of Glossy Glam and moved on to my distressed nails. 

For these nails I used Yana, Josie, and Neve on top of Blu. I followed Sarah's tutorial here. For a first try I don't think I did too bad, and I'm glad I used Neve instead of black... it pulled it together without making it too dark. 

Mike says that these aren't very "grunge", his idea was I should just paint them black. But I think this was maybe a more colorful take on grunge. After all, I don't remember it being all dark and dingy... ;) 

I hope you all like this mani! I had fun doing it. Be sure to check out the other Twinsie's posts to see how they interpreted Grunge Nails! Can't wait to see them myself! Links are below!

Thanks for reading!


Amanda at Amandalandish
Amber at Nails Like Lace
Chelsea at Nailed Blog
Elizabeth at Did My Nails
Kelly at Tuxarina
Marisa at Polish Obsession
Rachel at Top Coat It
Róisín at Cuti-CLUE-les
Stephanie at A Little Polish
Traci at DrinkCitra

**The polishes in this post were purchased by me for my own personal use.**

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Nail Honey A Honey-Coated Rainbow Collection

Happy Saturday polish friends! 

Today I have the latest collection from Nail Honey Custom Lacquers, A Honey-Coated Rainbow. A bright and cheerful collection just in time for spring. More pictures and details after the jump.