
Sunday, March 16, 2014

Born Pretty Store: Black Rhinestones

**press sample**

Two posts in one day? Crazy right? I can't wait to share the rest of my Born Pretty Store goodies with you, so you're getting more than one post today. :) 

This post is devoted to 1.5 mm rhinestones just like the previous post, but the color option is #12 from the listing

For more pictures, details, and my coupon code click read more!

For this mani I used 2 coats of Zoya Dove. When the 2nd coat was still tacky I applied the rhinestones. Normally you would use clear polish to put these down, but if my base color is still tacky enough I like to use it to avoid gooping things up too much. Once they were placed I sealed it all in with 1 coat of Glossy Glam. 

The listing on Born Pretty has these under 1.5mm rhinestones, but to me they are more like studs. In my mind a rhinestone has facets, these are round like half beads or studs. Either way they're really pretty, I just don't totally agree with the description. Here's a macro of them up close so you can see. 

I was really happy with how these turned out, even though they weren't exactly what I was expecting. I could see using these in some really fun manis as eyes or noses too! OH SNOWMEN! A few months too late... (even though it's snowing here in Missouri today) There's always next winter. Or maybe Christmas in July? Ha! 

Thanks again for reading. Remember if you want to get any of the items I've shown in these posts use my coupon code listed below for 10% off! 


**The products in this post were provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. For more information please see my full disclosure policy.**

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