
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Pipe Dream Polish Caribbean Dreaming and Bijou Baccate

**press sample**

Good morning everyone! I want to start with a warning/apology/complaint. This morning I broke my middle nail on my swatch hand and now I have a split on it too. That's my favorite macro finger! So far it looks pretty okay, but if you see some weird dryness or redness that's why. Time to start doubling up on my Sweet Baby cuticle products!!! ASAP!

Today I have 2 more polishes from the upcoming Glitterandom Collection from Pipe Dream Polish. This collection releases this Friday, January 3rd, at noon EST. Set your alarms! 

Today's polishes are Caribbean Dreaming and Bijou Baccate. Details and pics after the jump!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Pipe Dream Polish Sapphire Attire

**press sample**

Good morning friends! Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend. We spent the weekend with my in laws celebrating Christmas. I have been really bless with a very sweet set of in laws, I know not everyone feels that way. But they really are very kind and fun people. (That explains my exceptionally fun and kind hubby huh? :) ) The highlight of the weekend was when a family friend (who is a farmer and farm equipment mechanic) started asking me details about nail blogging. He then wanted to see an example of a "swatch and review", so I showed him my recent review of Red Light. He read it out loud to the room and it was hilarious. Hearing a man that is normally talking to my husband about farm equipment, cars, or the 3 Stooges say "I don't usually like red polish on myself but this is gorgeous" really had me giggling. And on a side note, it's a little embarrassing hearing your posts read out loud. Anyone else feel that way? 

Anywho, lets move on to the polish and start this Monday off with some GLITTAH! 

Today I have Pipe Dream Polish Sapphire Attire. 

For this mani I started with 2 coats of Orly In the Navy on my pointer and middle finger, and 2 coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls on my ring and pinkie finger. I put 2 coats of Sapphire Attire on top of those. Then I topped it all off with Just Ricarda Glossy Glam. (Shout out to my sweet friend Elena from ecklipsed by color for giving me Orly In the Navy for Christmas. It is INCREDIBLE! And I never buy Orly so I wouldn't have gotten my hands on it if it wasn't for her. Thank you sweet friend! You should all be following her Instagram and blog, she's the sweetest and most fabulous fashionista I know. :) )

Sapphire Attire is a clear based polish filled with bright blue, black holo, and silver holo glitters. 

You guys, this blue. I can't even describe it... the best thing I can compare it to is blue LED Christmas lights. You know how they almost hurt to look at? Like your eyes can't register their awesomeness? It's kind of like that. They look like they are lit up. It's incredible. My birthstone is sapphire, and I have a weakness for them. This polish looks like it has little glowing sapphires in it, it's amazing. Then you add not only silver but black holo to it too?!? Insane genius! 

Sapphire Attire is part of Pipe Dream's upcoming Glitterandom Collection, releasing this Friday January 3rd at 12 pm EST.

Pipe Dream Polish can be purchased through their Etsy store here

Glossy Glam can be purchased through their Etsy store here

Be sure to follow April on Instagram for updates and more pictures. I've got the remaining 6 polishes from this collection coming to you this week... trust me, you are going to want them. :) That's all I'll say for now. 

I hope you all have a lovely day! Thanks for reading! 

See you tomorrow!!!


**The Pipe Dream Polishes in this post were provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. Please see my disclosure policy for more details.**

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Pipe Dream Polish All These Diamonds

**press sample**

Good morning polish friends! Look at me, two days in row! :) Life is already starting to feel a bit more normal. Yay!

Today I have a beautiful glitter topper from Pipe Dream Polish called All These Diamonds. 

For this mani I started with 2 coats of OPI Black Onyx on my index and middle fingers and 2 coats of OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls on my ring finger and pinky. Then I added 1 coat (yes ONE coat) of All These Diamonds. I sealed it all in with Just Ricarda's Glossy Glam. 

All These Diamonds is made up of various shapes and sizes of silver holo glitters and holo dust. I like to say that this polish is like China Glaze's Fairy Dust, multiplied, and on steroids. It is absolutely sparkly and amazing. So so pretty. I love that there is dust and also bigger pieces, makes it so much more interesting. But none of the pieces are so big that they take away from your base color. I can't wait to try this as a base for a galaxy manicure, can you imagine!?!?

Pipe Dream Polish is available through their Etsy store here. Be sure to follow her on Instagram for updates and sales! She's got some great polishes on clearance right now, and a new collection releasing very soon!!!

Glossy Glam is available through their Etsy store here

I hope you all enjoyed this post! You should definitely go grab a bottle of this polish, it's incredible! 

Thanks for reading!

Talk to you soon.


**The Pipe Dream Polish in this post was provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review. For more details please see my full disclosure policy.**

Friday, December 27, 2013

Pipe Dream Polish Red Light

**press sample**

Hi everyone! I'm sorry it's been so long. I had minor surgery on 12/11; everything went fine but even with minor stuff you're out of commission for a little bit. I was up and around in a few days thankfully, and my hubby was a great nurse. But, just when I started to feel better I got in a fender bender. It was a pretty minor accident, but it did a LOT of damage to my little car. It was my fault, I glanced at my clock for a half a second and when I looked up there was a truck stopped in front of me. His trailer hitch hit my car in just the right spot, going through lots of important parts. It was my first accident and my first ticket all rolled into one. But, 2 weeks and $4000 later I should get my car and life back to normal. :)

So the first step in getting back to normal was painting my nails, second step is blogging about painting my nails. This morning I have a BEAUTIFUL polish for you from April at Pipe Dream Polish. This is Red Light, part of April's Lorde Gatsby Collection.

Red Light is a red jelly base packed with holographic pink, silver, and purple glitter. Do you remember the beauty that is Green Light? This is it's red cousin. And it is so incredible. Look at that holo sparkle!

For this mani I applied 3 thin coats of Red Light and topped it with 1 coat of Glisten & Glow HK Girl Topcoat. I wore this mani for several days and loved it the whole time. I don't really care much for red polish on myself, but this one is just gorgeous. It's got so much depth and squishiness and sparkle... all the things you want in a good jelly sandwich in a bottle. 

I can honestly say that I have never been disappointed by a Pipe Dream Polish, and I mean that whole heartily. April has become a great friend over the last few months, and her polishes are just as great as she is. If you're looking for an indie to try for the first time, or if you're already a collector and looking for a brand to add to your collection, get your hands on some of these. You won't be sorry.

Red Light can be purchased in April's Etsy store here

HK Girl topcoat can be purchased here

I hope you all enjoyed this post! I hope to be back to regular posting after the holidays. 

Thanks for hanging in there with me, even though I haven't been posting much! Follow me on Instagram if you want to see more pictures of polish and my day to day life. (like my dog Sammie's Christmas mani. :) ) 

Talk to you soon!


**The polishes in this post were provided to me in exchange for a fair and honest review.**

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Loaded Honey Holiday Duo

**press sample**

Hi everyone! Two posts in one night, crazy I know. I will be missing for a few days so I figured I'd bang out a couple of reviews for you all to enjoy. 

For this post I have a very special duo of polishes for you. For those of you that have been following me for a while, you know that I recently swatched and reviewed the entire Loaded Lacquer collection here, here, here, here, and here. :) Last week Heather contacted me about teaming up with Nail Honey Custom Lacquer for a holiday duo. I was excited right away! I knew Heather's polishes were amazing, and if she says Nail Honey is good then I want some. 

So, on to the pictures. 

The Nail Honey Lacquer in this collection is called Sleigh of Steel. This polish is a charcoal gray creme base with a holographic micro shimmer. 

Application on this was flawless. It could have been a one coater if I would have been more careful. For this manicure I used 2 coats of Sleigh of Steel and topped it with 1 coat of Glossy Glam. (in the macro pic) I can't wait to wear this again when there is sun outside, hopefully I can catch all of those colors you can see peaking out in here. I see purples and pinks and blues and greens. It really is so deep and pretty. I was very impressed with the depth in this because it's technically a creme. So so so pretty. 

The Loaded Lacquer in this collection is called Giddy Up Jingle Horse. This is a clear base glitter bomb packed with large holo glitters, gunmetal, berry, & pink hexes. So much sparkle. The pictures with the glitters are 2 coats of Giddy Up Jingle Horse topped with 1 coat of Glossy Glam. This glitter bomb is just like all of the other Loaded Lacquers I've tried, jam packed with glitter that flows evenly and completely over the nail. 

This combo is a really fun take on a holiday look; very sparkly and glitzy but not so holiday themed that you can't wear it any time of the year. 

These polishes are limited edition, so head over to Nail Honeys store here or Loaded Lacquers store here to buy yours! The pair is $16, you can't beat that! 

Follow Bee and Heather on Instagram for more pics and updates! 

I will be back soon hopefully. I have some swatches waiting in the wings to be posted when I'm up to it. 

Follow me on Instagram for more pictures! 

Thanks for reading! 


**The polishes in this post were provided to me in exchange for an honest review. For more details please see my full disclosure policy.**

Sincerely Polish The Mortal Instruments Polish

**press sample**

Hello friends! Happy Tuesday! 

I'm really excited about the polishes that I have for you tonight. When I found Sincerely Polish on Instagram one of the first things I noticed was that she had some polishes based on one of my favorite book series, The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare. Some of you may have seen the movie City of Bones that just came out, it is based on the first book. It was pretty good, but the books are so much better. (Yes that's always the truth.)

So when Karen sent me a couple of these polishes to review I squealed. Not just because of the books they're based on but they are super fun. 

First up is Shadow Huntress.

Here is the description from Karen's site:  Inspired by the Best Selling book by Cassandra Clare, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Shadowhuntress is a gray jelly polish that represents the female race of human-angel hybrids who walk among us, our invisible protectors. It's filled with black hexes, squares and micro glitters, holographic silver hexes, silver bars, micro silver glitters, black hearts and black holographic hearts. This is the perfect gift for any TMI fans. Mundanes just wouldn't get it. 

That sums it up perfectly. For this mani I applied 3 thin coats of Shadow Huntress and topped it with 1 coat of Glossy Glam. I sound like a broken record, but you know how I love these jelly polishes that are opaque enough to build up but jelly enough to see the layers of squish. This one makes me want to reread the series. The glitters distribute really well on this one, no need for fishing or placement. Although I did do some arranging of the hearts, I can't help myself. 

Next is Green House:

Again I'm just going to share Karen's description because it is perfect. Green House, is inspired by the moment when Jace takes Clary to the Green House in the Institute for her Birthday. Green House is a deep green jelly filled with micro green and silver glitters, holographic purple hexes, holographic pink butterflies, celery green hexes, and red heart glitters. 

This scene was so much better in the book than in the movie, and that is where Karen's inspiration was pulled from. For this mani I applied 3 thin coats of Green House and topped it with 1 coat of Glossy Glam. The glitter disperses well and there was very little placement needed. I can't hep but fish out the shapes and put them where I want them. 

Both of these polishes are available now on the Sincerely Polish website. Today is Karen's one month anniversary sale, so she's got a 30% off coupon code right now. Head over to her Instagram for more details! Go get some of her polish, you won't be sorry!

I hope you all enjoyed these pictures and that you go check out her site! Have a great night! 


**The polishes in this post were given to me in exchange for an honest review. For more information please see my full disclosure policy.**

Monday, December 9, 2013

Pipe Dream Polish Twigs and Berries

Good morning friends! Happy Monday to you! I say that with the hopes that I will make it be a good Monday. We have slick roads here, I'm still fighting a cold, and I'm supposed to have surgery in 2 days.... So I'm a little strung out. I'm sure that everything will be fine, I just have so much I want to do before then. Even though I'm supposed to be back up and around in just a few days, I'm panicky trying to get everything all planned out. And they may not even want to do it since I've had this cold, who knows. 

So what is the cure for all that ails you? Or, for all that ails me? Polish. If there's glitter in that polish, even better. If its a Pipe Dream polish that was made in collaboration with one of my favorite nail gals Amy (@indie500nails) AND $4 from every bottle goes to the Movember Foundation, my day is made. Plus, the name really gives me a case of the giggles. 

This is Twigs and Berries. 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sincerely Polish Jolly and Holly Mini Duo

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Hello polish lovers! How was every one's weekend? Ours was good. I got a lot of shopping done, and today we finally went to the IMAX and saw Catching Fire. (LOVED IT!)

Today I have some more beautiful Christmasy polishes from Sincerely Polish. 

This is the Jolly and Holly Mini Duo.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Sincerely Polish Jolly Holly Christmas

**Press Sample**

Hi everyone! I hope you all have had a good week. Here in the Midwest we've been getting hit with quite a bit of snow the last couple of days. I love snow. Driving in snow? Not so much. But luckily it hasn't been too bad. 

Tonight I have a very pretty Christmas collection to show you from the lovely Karen Jo at Sincerely Polish

Image courtesy of